Lotus Lounge is the first Community based Photography Studio in the 607. Located in the center of Historic Hanover Square.

Lotus Lounge is the first Community based Photography Studio in the 607. Located in the center of Historic Hanover Square.
Please click the green button below to book securely online.
From the list of "Booking:" options, select the number of hours you want to book. Booking the Space is $40/Hour Sun-Fri. $50/hour Saturday
Note: Sun-Fri Hourly is Available. Sat 4 Hour Minimum.
Select the date in the calendar and the time from the available options.
Enter your name, email and your credit/debit card info to pay the 50% booking deposit. The remaining balance is due day of to retrieve access via eKey (Kevo).
For pre-booking questions or to book an event,
Please use our CONTACT FORM instead.